Daggoth had risen again and was nearlly done with his transformation into dashith... This time trouble wil follow his victims to their famiules to their friends.. His demon hold shall not be unchainned. The power of dashitH was in unison and aheadd of every exorcists, hunters reign hahahaha let the tales begin in hate, blood, entrails,,, stakes.... posssesion....DEATH
It was a night of fun and gallore at marthas house.. The party was all in full swing,... with guests dressed as ghosts, demons, devils, imps all the gholish eveil they knew.. Haha what a wonderfull place for evil rto reign and in its true form.. Halloween party hahahah... In africa as such it was awesome... Dashith was here mingling with the stupid, bblack, white, indian folks.. In their costumesand him in his truew form.. In thier drunken state all they could say was.... Greatt costtume DUDe,, really cool"
In his evil deep voice he would nod and answeer its not a coistume its me in my true self.... They would laugh out loud embracing evil in its natural form... Touching dashith leaving his scent on them ... his aours on their skin... on their souls... A way for them to be traced latter.. for to their ddooommmmmm...... they were headed....
Outside the porch out into the woods.... they crept, they moved.,,,, they sort to eat.. to dismember... to partake of souls and flesh, hearts and brains,... hands and legs... blood for the fill .. blooood for the flesh.. The souls is dashiths that they cannnot dare touch.. Dagrib they were called then and are still called. The followers of evil,... the vultures of the underworld.. the scavengers of the outrerr world... With any demons comes them,, with every principality cvomes more of them.. sobsobsob Martha and her freinds were so dead.... dead and lost sobsobsob hell shall partake tonight... in clear view of the fulll beautifull mooon. sobsobsob.... Damn what death.. what blood.. waaht screams.. whats cries shall rent this beautifull night................